What is dialysis fistuloplasty:
  • It is a procedure that involves multiple techniques for removal of blockage in dialysis fistula.
Why it is necessary:
  • According to KDOQI guidelines, fistula should be first priority for dialysis.
  • After creation of fistula, it may not be work. So by this procedure, we can remove blockage and dialysis fistula may start working.
How it performed:
  • In this procedure, depending upon the site of blockage different techniques like angioplasty, thrombus aspiration/thrombolysis or stenting are used.
  • It involves small pinhole access within vessel and procedure performed under local anesthesia.
What are benefits:
  • It is minimally invasive technique so no scar mark or stitches, minimum pain and done under local anesthesia.
  • After procedure, dialysis fistula may be used for dialysis.
Precaution to be taken by patients:

Regular checkup for fistula,

  • For any blockage or any damage to vessel wall.
  • Monitoring of flow rate from fistula.
  • For change in site of needle insertion.
Preparation for procedure:
  • Few basic blood investigations like CBC, PT/INR, viral markers, serum electrolytes.
  • Bring all the records including imaging record.
  • Signing consent form.
What are risks:
  • Very few and rare; hematoma, vessel wall damage, deep vein thrombosis (<1 case in 1000).

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