⦁ It is a condition of sudden severe pain in facial region on one side lasting for few seconds to few minutes. (Worst pain of life, sometimes called it suicidal pain). ⦁ There are multiple reasons for this condition like neurovascular compression, CP angle tumor, multiple sclerosis etc.
How it can be treated:
⦁ Apart from neurovascular compression reason, all cases of trigeminal neuralgia can be treated with radiofrequency ablation. ⦁ It involves insertion of small needle through skin and ablation (destruction) of trigeminal ganglion done with thermal energy. Trigeminal ganglion is responsible for pain feeling.
How it performed:
⦁ This procedure is performed under local anesthesia with very small needle. ⦁ With help of fluro/CT guidance, trigeminal ganglion is ablated with thermal energy. ⦁ After procedure patient gets discharged within few hours.
What are benefits:
⦁ It is minimally invasive and day care procedure. ⦁ It is safer and effective. No stitches or scar mark.
Preparation for procedure:
⦁ Few basic blood investigations like CBC, PT/INR, viral markers. ⦁ Bring all the records including imaging record. ⦁ Signing consent form.
What are risks:
⦁ Very rare, non-target ablation or bleeding (<1 case in 1000).