What is adrenal vein sampling:

    • It is a procedure to find location of tumour responsible for excessive hormone secretion.
    • After locating tumor, removal of tumor can be done so patient get permanent relief from excessive hormone like in aldosteronism (responsible for hypertension), Cushing disease (excessive steroid hormone).

 Why it is necessary:

    • In patient with excessive hormone producing tumour, sometimes difficult to find exact location of tumor.
    • So by this procedure, we locate tumor site by measuring hormone level at that location compared to peripheral location.
    • So after locating tumour site, patient will get permanent cure by removing that tumour.

How it performed:

    • This procedure is performed under local anaesthesia through small pinhole without any incision.
    • Through leg vessel we enter into blood vessels near possible tumor location and take blood sample from that location.
    • After procedure, patient gets discharged in 3-4 hour and does all his routine work.

What are the benefits:

    • By this procedure, patient gets relief from symptoms due to excessive hormone secretion and gets cured.
    • It is painless day care procedure with small pinhole.

Preparation for procedure:

    • Few basic blood investigations like CBC, PT/INR, viral markers.
    • Bring all the records including imaging record.
    • Signing consent form.

 What are risks:

    • Very few and rare, includes adrenal hemorrhage(<1 case in 1000).

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