What is bronchial artery embolization (BAE):
  • Bronchial artery embolisation is a procedure which involves blockage of vessels which are oozing in the lungs. These oozing vessels are responsible for hemoptysis (blood in cough). 
What are the reasons for hemoptysis:
  • Haemoptysis may be caused by multiple reasons, but most common is tuberculosis infection (TB) in India.
  • Other reasons are Blunt trauma, Fungal infection, Tumors or Anatomical defects.
Why it is necessary:
  • If bleeding occurs into lungs, it leads to impairment of lung function, promotes recurrent lung infection (Pneumonia) and drop in haemoglobin (Hb). So It is necessary to stop bleeding into lungs.
How it performed:
  • Bronchial artery embolisation is a minimally invasive procedure which blocks oozing vessel in the respiratory system and so stops the bleeding.
  • The interventional radiologist will insert a catheter (tube) into a blood vessel in groin and will guide the catheter under image guidance to the oozing blood vessel. 
  • They will then insert PVA particles, Gel foam or coils into the bleeding vessels so that vessel is blocked. This prevents oozing of blood from vessels and so stops the bleeding.
  • The aim of the procedure is to stop blood flowing to the vessels which are bleeding in the lung while preserving blood flow to the surrounding area.
What are benefits of BAE:
  • Most patients experience relief from hemoptysis within the first few days after the procedure. 
  •  As there is no incision, patient get discharge on next day and able to resume its routine activity.
Preparation for procedure:
  • Few basic blood investigations like CBC, PT/INR, viral markers.
  • Bring all the records including imaging record.
  • Signing consent form.
What are risks:
  • Non-target embolization, chest pain (<1 case in 10000) or  very rarely paraplegia.

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