What is balloon assisted delivery for placenta increta/percreta:
  • It is procedure to prevent excessive blood loss during delivery in patient having adherent placenta.
Why it is necessary:
  • Some patient have adherent placenta and due to that they are at high risk for excessive bleeding after delivery.
  • This procedure is for prevention of excessive blood loss in these patients and thus protects lives of pregnant women.
How it performed:
  • Just before delivery, we put balloon in vessels that supplying blood to uterus through small pinhole in femoral artery (groin vessel).
  • Just after delivery, these balloons are inflated to prevent excessive blood loss during placenta removal. After completion of delivery operation these balloons are removed without any stitches.
What are the benefits:
  • By this procedure, delivery of pregnant women having adherent placenta becomes safe and requirement of blood transfusion becomes less.
  • This procedure is done through small pinhole and painless.
Preparation for procedure:
  • Few basic blood investigations like CBC, PT/INR, viral markers.
  • Bring all the records including imaging record.
  • Signing consent form.
What are risks:
  • Very few and rare, includes Bleeding, thromboembolism (<1 case in 1000).

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