Why it is necessary:
  • For administration of chemotherapy, total parenteral nutrition (TPN), blood products, Intravenous medication or fluid for long term period.
  • For long term haemodialysis.
Procedure performed by:

Interventional Radiologists

How it performed:
  • It is a long, thin tube that’s inserted through subcutaneous tunnel into central vein.
  • There are several types of tunnelled catheters (Hickman), dialysis catheters (permcath).
Precaution to be taken by patient:
  • Care for catheter to prevent its accidental removal and proper dressing to minimize risks like infections and block.  
What are benefits:
  • Spared from the irritation and discomfort of repeated needle sticks.
  • For long term haemodialysis with catheter beneath cloth (Non visible outside).


What are risks:
  • Blockage (Mainly due to excessive long term use or improper care of catheter).
  • Infection (<1 %).
Apart from insertion, Interventional radiologists can open up blocked catheters.

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