• What is prostatic artery embolization:
    • It is a novel technique to reduce urinary symptoms in men with enlarged prostate.
    • This procedure involves blockage of blood vessel which are supplying prostate gland without any incision.


  • How it worked:
    • Prostate gland enlargement occurs mainly due to BPH (Benign enlargement of prostate; responsible for majority of cases) or prostatic cancer. In both condition, enlargement require nutrient through enlarged blood vessel.
    • By this procedure, we cut down their nutrient supply and thus reducing it size and its related symptom. This procedure is more helpful for BPH patients.


  • How it performed:
    • This procedure is performed under local anaesthesia through small pinhole without any incision.
    • Through leg vessel we enter into blood vessels supplying prostate gland and we embolize it with various embolizing agents.
    • After procedure, patient get discharged in 6 hr and do all his routine work.


  • What are the benefits:
    • By this procedure, patient gets relief from urinary symptom related to prostate enlargement like urinary retention, increase urinary frequency or hematuria (blood in urine).
    • Less risk of complication like ejaculation dysfunction, bleeding, infection compared to surgical option.


  • Preparation for procedure:
    • Few basic blood investigations like CBC, PT/INR, viral markers.
    • Bring all the records including imaging record.
    • Signing consent form.

 > What are risks:

    • Very few and rare, includes thromboembolism(<1 case in 1000).

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