What is portal vein embolization:
  • A PVE blocks the branch of the portal vein that carries blood to the part of the liver that is going to be surgically removed. Blocking the blood supply allows the other part of the liver to grow bigger.
Why it is necessary:
  • To induce regrowth of the liver on other side of hepatic resection. So that patient has enough functional liver after the operation for survival. 
  • The procedure is frequently used in primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatoblastoma) and liver metastases.


Preparation for procedure:
  • Few basic blood investigations like LFT, CBC, PT/INR, viral markers.
  • Fasting for 4-6 hrs.
  • Bring all the records including imaging record.
  • Signing consent form.


What are risk:
  • Non target embolization (less than 1 case in 1000). 
  • Pain and bleeding (less than 1 case in 1000). 

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