It is a procedure in which stent placed in renal artery. This is help to treat renal artery disease.
Why it is necessary:
It is necessary for preservation of kidney function and control of renovascular hypertension.
It is useful for those patients who had uncontrolled hypertension even after 3 or more medication.
How it worked:
Renal artery disease is caused by the narrowing of the arteries to one or both kidneys. This narrowing can also be called stenosis. It is usually caused by a build-up of fat or calcium deposits called plaque. Over time this plaque can lead to total blockage of artery.
Due to blockage of renal artery, kidney doesn’t receive sufficient blood supply which activates pressure control system and ultimately leads to increase blood pressure, which not maintain by two or three antihypertensive medicines.
How it performed:
A minimally invasive procedure performed by Interventional radiologist through groin. Thin tube inserted (Catheter) into the artery and small balloon inflated in the artery. The balloon has a small mesh tube called a stent wrapped around it. It expands the stent in the artery which keeps the artery open and helps to prevent further narrowing.
What are the benefits:
Renal artery stenting can be improved blood flow towards kidney and by which gradually decrease blood pressure and requirement of excessive medications.
Preparation for procedure:
Few basic blood investigations like CBC, PT/INR, viral markers.
Fasting for 4-6 hrs.
Bring all the records including imaging record.
Signing consent form.
What are risk:
Very rare; Bleeding, stent thrombosis and renal infarction.