What it is:
  • It is an image-guided minimally invasive technique that uses heat to destroy cancer cells. Various techniques like RFA or microwave are used to generate heat.
  • In RFA, imaging techniques such as ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) are used to help guide a needle electrode into a cancerous tumour. High-frequency electrical currents are then passed through the electrode to creating focal heat that destroys the cancer cells surrounding the electrode.
  • Microwave ablation, also a minimally-invasive cancer treatment, also uses ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) to guide placement of a specialized needle-like probe into a tumour and uses microwaves to heat and destroy it.
  • Microwave ablation has advantages over radiofrequency ablation (RFA), including the ability to treat tumours that are larger and those that are close to major arteries and veins.
Why it is preferred over traditional therapy
  • It is a minimally invasive procedure (No surgical incision).
  • It may be used in addition to chemotherapy or radiation therapy or as an alternative to surgical treatment.
  • Thermal ablation is a viable and effective treatment option if you:
    • Not a good candidate for surgery because your tumour is difficult to reach.
    • Other medical conditions that make surgery especially risky.
    • Not having enough liver tissue left for the organ to function adequately following the surgical removal of a tumour.
    • Having liver tumours that have not responded to chemotherapy or that have recurred after being removed surgically.
    • Having several small liver tumours that are too spread out to be removed surgically.
  • In most studies, liver tumours treated by thermal ablation have not recurred (Recurrence rate <5 %).
Preparation for the procedure:
  • Few basic blood investigations like LFT, CBC, PT/INR, viral markers.
  • Fasting for 4-6 hrs.
  • Bring all the records including imaging record.
  • Signing consent form.


Duration of procedure:
  • Pain, Fever and post ablation syndrome (Controlled by medication).
What are the risks:
  • The patient is experiencing symptoms of pain, fever, and post ablation syndrome, which are being managed through the use of medication.

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