What is ureteric DJ stenting:
- A ‘ureteral stent’ or ‘ureteric stent’ is a thin, hollow tube inserted into ureter to drain urine. It is not visualised outside the body.
Why it is necessary:
- Ureters are thin tube-like-organs which connect kidneys to the urinary bladder, to allow urine flow from the kidney.
- It is inserted when there is an obstruction to the normal flow of urine (either due to stone or tumor) or as a urinary diversion in an attempt to heal conditions such as malignant/inflammatory fistula, urinary leak or fistulas resulting from trauma etc.
How it performed:
- This is a minimally invasive procedure done by interventional radiologist under local anaesthesia, using ultrasound and fluoroscopy guidance.
- It is done through the kidneys via a nephrostomy (an artificial opening made from the kidneys out to the skin) or through PCN tube.
- Stent remains in body from a few days for relief of ureteral oedema to the duration of the patient’s life for maintenance of ureteral patency depending upon reason of ureter obstruction.
- Regardless of the stent composition, manufacturers usually recommend exchange of stents at 3 to 6 month intervals.
What are benefits:
- Under USG and fluro guidance, this procedure is quite safe and effective.
- It is a day care procedure with minimum pain and without any stitches.
Preparation for procedure:
- Few basic blood investigations like CBC, PT/INR, viral markers.
- Bring all the records including imaging record.
- Signing consent form.
What are risk:
- Very rare; Bleeding and infection.